Cheese absorbs more milk than any other dairy product. Overall, it sure seems like cheese demand is pretty good despite concerns that the pandemic-induced decline in food service sales was going to be...
“The first impression we have about the 2020 corn silage is that it looks like a very good crop,” said Dr. Luiz Ferrareto, ruminant nutrition specialist with University of Wisconsin-Madison...
Now that silage harvest is finished in Iowa, it’s time to evaluate the corn and alfalfa quality in terms of digestibility, what it means for milk production, and even a comparison to past crop year...
The COVID-19 pandemic has most certainly impacted the financial stability of the country, put the economy into recession, and even raised concerns of a coming depression
From a business standpoint, the U.S. Dairy Export Council’s decision to open its U.S. Center for Dairy Excellence this October in Singapore . . . in the heart of Southeast Asia . . . just may be...
For Canadian subscribers. Access to 20 years of Hoard's Dairyman issues electronically. Early online access to the issue and no lost issues or international postal delays
There’s almost always a shortage of time and a lack of space on dairy farms. When deciding which animals get the most attention and best resources, the answer is typically the milking herd, and understandably...
The title of this article, “You can’t sell your cheese here,” is a sentiment that is becoming more common for American cheese producers to hear while trying to market their products around...
The 2020 American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) Annual Meeting was held virtually due to the pandemic. Over 2,300 people attended the online event. Four abstracts related to calves and heifers have
I just want to start this by saying that I hate politics for so many reasons. I hate how politicians give off the air of being superior to the rest of us when they technically work for us
The best times for many agricultural sectors occur during periods of strong demand. The ethanol industry boomed when ethanol use grew during a period of record crude oil prices